7 Anti Ageing Techniques that you must inculcate in your 20s/30s!
Ageing is a natural process which everyone witnesses as the time passes, it cannot be fully stopped but can be slowed down. You may have noticed that some people look younger than their age while some starts looking old at a very early stage. What’s all this, why does it happens? Have you ever think of that?
Well all this happens because of the lifestyle one follows, what you eat and how physically active you stay, what kind of thoughts you bring in your mind all the day and how much sleep your body gets, all this affects your health and so does your ageing process as well. While some pay attention to their lifestyle but others do not and then suffer the consequences! So, here are some of the best known Anti ageing techniques that will slow down the ageing process and will help you to stay young for a long time!
1- Deep Breathing.
breathing plays an essential role in ageing, the more deep you breath the more oxygen your body cells get and it benefits the body to recover and look younger. Deep breathing also helps the skin to rejuvenate and glow more, you can keep control on your breath through meditation and yoga quite efficiently. Although take care of the fact that while doing deep breathing you must sit in a comparatively less polluted area or practice it during the morning time, by this way you can get it’s full benefit.
2- Eating fresh and healthy food.
What you eat have a great impact on your physical body as well as mind both. In order to get a good mental and physical health the food you eat plays an important role. Most of the people these days switch for junk food and stale food due to the absence of time which then damages their digestive system and overall health. Thus, in order to look young include healthy things in your diet such as fresh vegetables, salads, fruits, juices, dry fruits and milk products rather than eating packaged, stale, deep fried and spicy food.
3- Fasting.
Fasting is a very underrated technique for anti ageing, while many of you may be not aware of it but it is during a fast the body gets real time to recover and look more young. Therefore, it is advisable to fast at least once a week during which your body will go for deep cleansing process and it will help your skin to glow more and shine. There are different types of fasting people observe, you can choose and follow the one which suits your body type.
4- Yoga and Meditation.
Practicing yoga and meditation are must for a healthy body as well as mind. When we talk about health it includes both, the physical body as well as mind. Yoga is known since ages as the best physical work out technique along with breathing patterns, it does not only keep your body into a good shape but cures many diseases as well. Meditation on the other hand is an excellent mental exercise which helps you to keep control over the thoughts, reduces stress and cures many mental health issues as well. Therefore, at every morning these two things should be mandatory in your routine to stay young.
5- Live a stress free life.
Stress has become a big issue now a days, due to the weak relationships, environment and work pressure many of you may be facing stress issues in your life. Stress does not only invites multiple health issues in life but also increases the ageing process in the body, according to various surveys held by the medical experts the people who take too much stress develop wrinkles and white hairs much early as compared to those who live happily. Therefore, try to relax your mind during at least once a day by any activity which can entertain you.
6- Maintain proper sleep timings.
During sleep time the body gets recovered and gains energy to carry on for the next day. According to experts an individual needs 6–8 hours sleep everyday to work effectively mentally and physically, however in today’s time people prefer to sleep less and often go to bed at the late hours which in turn causes problems. Hence, it is preferable to have your dinner early and go to bed at a set time everyday so that your body can get enough rest, try to avoid staying up till the late hours.
7- Celibacy.
Many of you may be unaware of the fact that Celibacy too plays a vital role in anti ageing. Studies have found that people who celibate tend to live more and look younger. However as aesthetically benefiting as celibacy may appear, practically it may not be possible for everyone to follow it throughout the life, so you can follow it for a particular time say for some weeks or months by not involving in any sexual relation. If one does not over indulge in sexual activity then also he or she can slow down the ageing process in their body.
Hence, these were some of the renowned anti ageing techniques since ages which will not only help you to improve your mental and physical well being but will increase your work productivity in day to day life. Ageing is a natural process which every human being has to suffer but now a days the process of ageing have become fast in the youths also. People in their early 20s and 30s are facing problems like wrinkles and white hairs. Therefore, in order to stay younger than your real age follow these techniques as much as possible and you will see its amazing benefits.